Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Men plan, God laughs

Well, my little plan hasn't gone quite like I'd intended. My Ravellenics effort went down in flames when 3 of the 4 children decided it would be fun to all start running fevers at basically the same time. Joseph is the only one who, thus far, has escaped illness. Kent and I chalk it up to the awesome antibodies and natural immunity I'm passing on to him at every meal. :-)

The projects I started will be completed, just not in the next several days, which was my original goal. I can't talk too much about one of them as it will be a Christmas gift for someone who might be reading this right now.

The progress on the quilt has been halted during my Ravellenics push, but since I just "tendered my resignation" in that area this morning and admitted defeat, I can now pick back up with the quilting without feeling that sense of panic or disloyalty that has attacked me these past couple of weeks every time I even looked at a new pattern on Ravelry.

So, I should have some updated photos in the next week or so, time and sick children permitting. :-)

Craft on!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Much too much

Yes, I'm aware that its been almost a year (!) since I last posted. Life as a full-time mother of 4+husband+dog is constantly teetering on the brink of Crazy Chaos Precipice, so the blog was the first sacrifice.

I haven't been idle in the craftiness department, though. Quite the opposite. I'm now the proud owner of a lovely spinning wheel I fondly refer to as "Hermione". With her help I have created a couple of beautiful and original yarns. 
"Dreamsicle"--2 ply fingering weight
80/20 merino/silk
"Faeryland"--2 ply laceweight
60/40 merino/bamboo

I have also been knitting, of course, and have begun quilting a congratulations quilt for my sister, the future lawyer.

Yes, I'm hand quilting it. No, it's not small. Yes, it will be ready for Christmas. No, I'm not crazy.

Also, the Ravellenics kick off Friday! In a nutshell, the Ravellenics is a knitting and crochet competition of sorts that follows along with the Olympics. The basic goal is to challenge yourself, and participants join teams--I'm a member of Team SHERlocked this year, because I'm just cool like that.

I'll be back soon to update on the quilt, as well as my progress (or lack thereof) with my chosen Ravellenic challenges.

Craft on! :-)